WP Rocket is one of the best plugins for managing the cache of WordPress pages and articles. This is the opinion of many webmasters, SEOs and web performance experts: starting an asset creation and optimization project with this extension means counting on an extra gear.

Especially when you want to optimize domain load times. Cache optimization is one of the most common and immediate actions to put in place to speed up a website, blog or e-commerce. At the same time it represents one of the most beneficial and cost-effective activities.

How to proceed? Is it enough to simply install Wp Rocket to achieve good results with respect to upload time? Let’s delve together into this crucial topic for your web project.

What is Wp Rocket and what is it for?
Wp Rocket is a premium plugin-without a free version that you can download at wp-rocket.me-that allows blog and website owners to optimize web page caching. This extension allows you to create an image in the server of certain resources that do not constantly vary.

So as to provide the browser of those who visit your domain with the result with a higher speed. This avoids having to load website features each time–the header, navigation menu, sidebar, footer, institutional page content–which remain unchanged.

Must-read: what it is and how to use Gtmetrix

Why optimize site cache
The benefits of this plugin, as well as of all extensions you use to manage preview and cache on WordPress, are clear. First, you speed up web page navigation by improving the user experience (and that’s already a good thing). Then you get ranking benefits.

This is because loading speed is one of the ranking factors that fall under the tips for optimizing the page experience according to Google. Which in its Pagespeed Insight considers the presence of a caching system as a requirement for web page optimization.

Also there is less demand from the server: these plugins can store WordPress posts and pages as static files which reducing the processing load. Improving even more the performance of your publications especially in terms of TTFB (time to first byte). That is, how long the browser has to wait before receiving the first signal from the server.

Wp Rocket, here are the decisive advantages
This plugin – also available in Italian – is one of the ideal solutions to optimize the cache and get all the benefits of this operation. But not only that, so many are the reasons to choose Wp Rocket to have greater the results in terms of loading and speed of execution.

  • Translated into Italian.
  • Easy to use.
  • Suitable for everyone.
  • All in One solution.
  • Perfect for ecommerce.
  • Compatibility with CDNs.
  • Database cleanup.
  • Maximum versatility.

True, Wp Rocket is not a free plugin but you can choose from several solutions suitable for those who work with an agency and want to improve the performance of several projects, but also for those who have only one website to optimize. Wp Rocket, moreover, is translated into Italian and adapts to all multilingual sites.

Here are the main functions of the plugin
There are so many reasons to choose Wp Rocket. Sure, there’s the cache work, but there’s also the ability to optimize the Google Analytics code that has always not allowed you to reach the ideal speed. The same goes for the Facebook pixel. Then you find LazyLoad for images, Iframes and videos.

The dashboard (which you can see in the image above) is easy to manage and understand. It also offers quick commands for specific operations and links to CSS/JS caching and minification tasks.

Not forgetting CDN compatibility, the ability to enable file and font preloading to more refined optimizations such as emoji optimization. Here are a few aspects of this plugin.

Cache optimization
Certainly one of the main functions of this plugin is cache management, the ability to store pages by sending a static HTML file to the browser. So as to speed up loading due to the ability to provide quick responses to the program’s requests to browse the Internet.

But if a caching plugin takes a snapshot of the website and offers it to the user, what happens if I have changed something in the meantime? For example, what are the consequences of such a condition if I publish a new blog article every day? Advanced plugins like Wp Rocket manage caching intuitively. And they give you the ability to define the refresh time.

You just need to activate the plugin and let it work to make your site faster, thanks to page caching and other automatic optimizations. Like caching for both desktop and mobile devices, also compatible with your digital shop’s shopping cart on WooCommerce.

Database cleaning.
One of the most interesting features of Wp Rocket is the ability to optimize the database with a single click. Especially for the inexperienced, this is an important feature because it allows you to fix a major problem without risking drama that could damage your website.

When working on database optimization, if you do not know the theoretical basis well, there is always the risk of doing damage. With Wp Rocket, however, everything is automated and simplified.

How do you optimize the database of your blog, website or any other portal served by Wp Rocket? Just go to the specific section and select everything you want to clean: trashed comments, drafts, spam, transient, unnecessary operations and tables. Let the plugin work and enjoy the result.

CSS and Javascript file compression
This is one of the functions of Wp Rocket. CSS minification allows you to automatically remove whitespace and comments, reducing the file size along with the activity of combining the file into 1, cutting the number of HTTP requests. The same can be done for JavaScript.

Also you can add a couple of features. For example? Load the JavaScript in deferred mode and delay the execution of some elements. The latter solution, applied only to optimized and cached pages, can improve page performance and speed.

The reason is simple: this advanced optimization proposed by Wp Rocket for JavaScript postpones the upload of certain files until a specific interaction occurs. Namely:

  • Keydown: the user presses any key on the keyboard.
  • Mouseover: a device such as a mouse or trackpad is used.
  • Touchmove: one or more elements move along the surface.
  • Touchstart: one or more points are placed on a surface.

Activating this option gives you a list of files to improve. You can avoid editing them if you are not sure what to work on. You can, however, add new files to delay by adding a keyword or string that identifies the script. Of course, if you don’t know your way around you can confirm the checkmark.