Using SEMrush means you have a resource not only for improving your website and working with search engine optimization. In fact, this tool can fit right in among web marketing tools. Because SEMrush is not just an SEO tool limited to search engine optimization.

This platform also performs different functions and supports the professional in analysis related to search engine advertising but also in the work of web copywriting, content marketing, social media marketing and strategic analysis of the market, competitors and brand positioning.

In a nutshell, you use SEMrush to track a keyword but also to discover competitors or identify structural errors in the website. A little more information? Here’s how to use SEMrush.

What is SEMrush and what is it for?
SEMrush is a tool for doing web marketing. It is a multifunctional tool that starts from a good base for SEO optimization but addresses different fields. Such as working on online advertising, an area dear to those who do search engine optimization also through paid results. Another related aspect is website analysis with related diagnostics.

You can monitor structural errors in a portal, but you also have the ability to do keyword tracking work. This, however, is just the tip of the iceberg since SEMrush is also used to do social profile analysis with related monitoring of results and study of your industry with competitor and market analysis. So, woe to consider SEMrush a mere SEO tool.

To read: why it is important to speed up a website

How to use SEMrush, the basics
To start using this web marketing tool you can go to, select your language (SEMrush is also available in Italian) and sign up for this tool completely online, you don’t have to download anything to your computer or smartphone.

You have the option of starting with a no-cost profile with SEMrush for free. It is definitely limited and underperforming compared to paid profiles, though. Currently, there are three advanced solutions to meet the needs of the small professional and the large marketing agency.

What I can do with SEMrush
It is difficult to bring together in one article all the possibilities offered by this data analysis, study and tracking tool. There are so many features that it is easy to get lost. I’ll leave you with a few official numbers:

  • Tracking of 20 billion keywords.
  • Analysis coverage for 130 countries.
  • SEO audit with over 100 modules.

To get around the best we can take a cue from the official guide and gather SEMrush’s functions into 5 key areas that also summarize as many kits found in the dashboard.

  • Content marketing
  • SEO
  • Search
  • Advertising
  • Social

Fundamental aspect that brings SEMrush one step ahead of the competition: training. Its social channels and on the official portal you will find a series of resources dedicated both to the tool in question and to web marketing in general. You can download ebooks, follow webinars and always find new insights thanks to the large community that revolves around this very advanced tool.

Content marketing
One of the big topics addressed by this tool is related to content. The key aspect is the ability to handle this topic with a logic, a planning that goes beyond keyword research. Of course, we know that many web writers and bloggers have been working this way for a long time:

  • I look for a query.
  • I find keywords.
  • I choose the most convenient one.
  • I write an article.

Actually, thanks to SEMrush it is possible to deal with this operational flow in an organized, timely manner and, above all, with a logic devoted to strategic editorial planning. In fact, the content marketing platform gives you all the tools to tackle the work of online content creation.

The workflow begins with the search for content ideas where SEMrush not only suggests topics but also leaves ideas for titles to address. That can be managed with an internal editorial plan that can be used to manage the various publications over time. Another key aspect?

You have a text editor to write and optimize your content, so you have on one platform the editorial tools to plan, write and improve the SEO side of your content.

Mind you, SEMrush doesn’t move at random but gives you everything you need for a data-driven approach to marketing: it allows you to analyze results and revise content based on what you’ve achieved. This is a true Deming cycle of content marketing, always bent on improvement.

Needless to say, on the search engine optimization side, there’s pretty much everything you need, from tracking the keywords you’re interested in to analyzing the rankings you’ve achieved. But this quick description doesn’t do justice to the breadth of tools you have at your disposal.

You can create a project with an entire domain overview and find out what you need about your website, in this case also linking Google Analytics and Search Console, and that of your competitors.

With SEMrush you have the possibility to analyze structural problems such as the presence of 404 pages and broken internal or outbound links, but not only that: there are tools to study the links you have obtained and possible presence of activities related to spam and negative SEO. In a nutshell, here you have everything you need for a good international, but also national and local SEO optimization work.

Probably one of the most interesting and performing areas of SEMrush. The tool to perform Competitive Research analysis allows you to make strategic decisions for your business based on data. So without improvising or aiming at targets that are useless to your promotion work.

The basic concept: here you have different tools, such as those for SEO analysis or search engine advertising. But everything is declined around the need to create a work of comparison, study and feedback to improve the presence of your website in a competitive environment.

For example, you can find out what the traffic sources of competitors are, where they fit in to intercept new market niches useful for increasing revenue. The main aspect of this toolbox: everything focuses on a utilitarian aspect, there is no room for vanity metric.

Substance is at the heart of the analysis you can do with SEMrush, which allows you to get an initial snapshot of how your brand compares to the competitors you need to outperform.

You can also go into detail about SEO analysis, PPC, citation tracking, and social work. In a nutshell, if you want to start a new online venture or if you just need a good analysis to confirm your marketing efforts you need to use this SEMrush feature.

The PPC advertising toolkit is one of the most powerful and effective tools in SEMrush. First because it allows you to do real market analysis with study of companies competing in the same industry as you. You can study the ads and find out how they choose to move.

By clicking on the various sections you can find out the characteristics of the various listings. From here begins the work on your own listings by studying the most competitive keywords to create high-performing ads.

You can track the visibility of the advertisements on the search engine and activate a complete search engine advertising work. So comprehensive that you can also embrace another key aspect for a brand: social media. But let’s address this topic in the next section.

That’s right, that’s why SEMrush is not just an SEO tool but a tool designed to improve online presence tout court. That is, in every respect, including the one that calls into question social media. Through the dedicated SMM toolkit, in fact, you can work on:

  • Publishing.
  • Tracking.
  • Adv (beta).

This means that you can use SEMrush for three different purposes. First, to publish content on Instagram, Facebook, LinkedIn, Pinterest and other platforms by managing an editorial calendar that also allows you to schedule the content you want to launch on the channels.

Notable one point: you can also publish content on Google My Business, a channel that is little considered but crucial for Local SEO. Also very important is the third feature of SEMrush Social Tracker that gives you the ability to monitor behavior, growth and evolution.

The flagship of this suite of tools, however, is the advertising section that allows you to work on a key point: the ability to create, manage and optimize sponsorships directly from this panel. Obviously after linking the various accounts you want to better manage.